Brokers, ChatGPT is Bad News for Your Content Strategy

Nick O'Sullivan October 15, 2024 2:15 pm Tags

ChatGPT is like a junk food addiction—you know it's bad for you, but you just keep going back. That’s especially true for copywriters and content creators in the online trading space.


For brokers, content is the heart of your digital marketing strategy. Every single piece of content you put out there shapes how traders perceive your brand. And in the rush to produce more content, faster, it seems more and more brokers are turning to tools like ChatGPT for a little more than just inspiration. 


I get it. ChatGPT is a powerful tool for generating ideas, performing research, and creating content. But relying too heavily on it for your writing is a dangerous game—and it’s sabotaging your entire content strategy.


Speed or quality. Choose one.


We all know AI-generated content is fast, efficient, and precise. You can churn out thousands of words in seconds that sound polished and professional. But it sounds almost too polished. 


Seeing the same robotic writing style across social media, and strangely enough, from almost every LinkedIn ‘professional’ writing in a suspiciously similar style, it’s become second nature to recognize content that’s AI-generated. 


The language is clean, structured, and flawless, but also sterile. There’s a clinical, robotic tone that doesn’t feel like it was written by a human. 


That’s what’s causing the biggest disconnect between your content and your audience.


ChatGPT is many things, but it’s not human


What many brokers don’t understand is that trading is extremely emotional. That means that your marketing efforts and overall content needs to hit traders on a human level to gauge a reaction. 


With AI content, the ability for it to resonate with readers hits a digital wall due to the removal of what you can call a “message heartbeat.” This heartbeat is what makes excellent articles and presentations what they should be, emotional connectors. 


They allow your audience to feel heard and seen because of the assimilation that they may have to your personal story, or the connection they feel to your brand.


To me, this will always be the biggest drawback of AI. It’s just not human.


Google knows the difference


AI will certainly help you push out more content, but it’s sabotaging your SEO efforts at the same time. Google’s algorithms are now smarter than ever at detecting AI-generated content. 


In its ongoing battle against low-quality, automated content, Google is cracking down hard on sites that rely heavily on AI for their web copy.


Google’s stance is clear. AI-generated content often lacks originality and fails to provide real value to readers. As a result, these sites can suffer from lower search rankings, reduced visibility, and a weaker domain authority. 


The very thing you thought was saving you time and money—AI-generated content—is actually damaging your online presence.


Use AI as a tool, not a crutch


ChatGPT and other AI tools are great for researching topics, generating ideas, and even outlining your content. But when it comes to writing copy that truly resonates with your audience, the human touch is irreplaceable.


Use AI to assist, but let a skilled copywriter craft your message. Someone who understands your brand, understands traders, and knows how to weave emotion, personality, and industry expertise into your content. This will help brokers in the long term when it comes to putting out effective content that drives engagement and trust.


In the end, it’s not about how much content you can produce—it’s about how much value you can deliver. And that’s something no AI can do better than us humans.

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