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360T Teams up with Lucera for Streamlined FX Swaps Trading

360T Teams up with Lucera for Streamlined FX Swaps Trading


360T, the FX trading division of Deutsche Börse Group, announced on Wednesday, May 29, that it has integrated its Swaps User Network (SUN) with Lucera, a top technology service provider known for delivering high-performance, secure, and scalable solutions in the financial services industry. This integration aligns with 360T’s strategy to broaden its platform offerings to Lucera’s existing clients.

The announcement revealed that sell-side firms can now use 360T SUN for grey-book risk exchange at mid-market rates and streamline their FX Swaps trading operations. This process is supported by an indicative streaming mid-rate from 360T’s Swaps Data Feed (SDF). Additionally, the platform enables both GUI and API users to post resting bid and offer orders, utilizing various automated credit models to eliminate the risk and latency associated with soft matching.

Robin Nicholas, Head of Swap Product at 360T, commented: “The middleware connectivity between banks and 360T SUN through Lucera’s API further enhances the value which the platform delivers to our global client base. This connection focuses on the electronic placement and management of orders in 360T SUN, paving the path to full automation, from pricing generation through to trade execution.”

Peter Durkan, CEO at Lucera, added: “We are very excited to have integrated with 360T SUN, a genuinely one-of-a-kind FX Swaps network. Enabling any of our clients to automate their swaps workflow through direct order placement on SUN, this new integration adds unique functionality and value to the extensive Lucera ecosystem.” – Real-time Forex News and the latest trading updates.

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