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CySEC Revokes CIF Authorization of Fintailor Investments Ltd

CySEC revokes CIF authorisation of Fintailor Investments


The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) announced Wednesday the withdrawal of the Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) authorisation with number 133/11 of Fintailor Investments Ltd.

CySEC’s decision to revoke the CIF authorisation of the aforementioned company was pursuant to section 8 (1) (a) of the Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2017 and section 4(7) of Directive DI87-05.

The regulator explained that Fintailor Investments voluntarily renounced the authorisation.

Late last month, CySEC added twelve websites that belong to an entity which provides investment services and conducts investment activities without authorization to its blacklist.

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