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Outsourced Trading Boosts Investment Performance, State Street Study Reveals

State Street Study Reveals: Outsourced Trading Boosts Investment Performance


A comprehensive research survey conducted by State Street uncovered significant improvements in investment performance among respondents who adopted outsourced trading. Titled “The Outsourced Trading Advantage: Evidence from Early Adopters,” the study delves into the perceptions and benefits of outsourced trading, including experiences with providers and future plans.

The survey, believed to be one of the largest and most comprehensive of its kind, interviewed approximately 300 asset managers and asset owners from North America, EMEA, the UK, and APAC, spanning AUM from under $30 billion to over $50 billion.

According to the report

Current users of outsourced trading consistently reported benefits such as increased efficiencies (55%), reduced costs (33%), and notably, improved investment performance (over 80% reported improvement to some degree).

Early adopters expressed high levels of satisfaction, with 79% indicating they are either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied,’ a sentiment that was even higher in EMEA (83%) and among very large funds (those with AUM over $50 billion), the research revealed.

However, potential users harbor reservations about outsourced trading, with concerns primarily focused on cost-effectiveness (61%), loss of control over trading activities (56%), and a lack of understanding about its benefits (56%).

Dan Morgan, Head of Portfolio Solutions at State Street, remarked: “We have long believed that providing excellent service starts with knowing our market better than anyone else. With this ground-breaking research, we hope to shed light on the emerging move towards outsourced trading and provide clarity regarding the significant benefits it can offer. We are pleased that our expertise has been enhanced with the addition of the CF Global Trading team, now helping us deliver stronger offerings and services to clients.”

Scott Chace, Co-founder of CF Global Trading and Head of Trading for Portfolio Solutions at State Street, added: “The findings from this survey highlight the potential and the real value outsourced trading is bringing to the industry, and we are well-equipped to help clients understand the offering and assist with integration.” – Real-time Forex News and the latest trading updates.

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