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Viktor Nebehaj Takes Over From Adam Dodds as Freetrade CEO 

Viktor Nebehaj Takes Over from Adam Dodd as Freetrade CEO


Adam Dodds, who co-founded Freetrade and served as the investment platform’s chief executive since its inception in September 2015, has chosen to step down from his executive position.

“After eight years of leading Freetrade, I’m stepping down as CEO,” Adam Dodds announced on LinkedIn. “When reflecting on the journey from idea to over a million users with billions in assets, it’s getting through the tough times you remember the most. We almost died so many times it’s hard to count.

“Now, after putting up our first profitable quarter and with the business on a strong sustainable footing, it’s time to hang up my skates. Freetrade is default alive and ready to take on the incumbent platforms in the UK with self-sustaining growth.

“Throughout the last eight years there have been two constants: our crowdfunding shareholders, and my cofounder Viktor Nebehaj. Without either, Freetrade would not exist today. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported the business over the years and got us to this point.

“I’m very happy to say Viktor will be stepping up to take over the helm as CEO. He’ll lead us to the next destination on our journey and beyond. I’ll be doing everything I can to support him and the company from the board.”

Viktor Nebehaj, an early crowdfunding investor who joined the firm as chief marketing officer and became COO in 2022, has been named the new CEO of Freetrade.

Prior to joining Freetrade in 2017, Viktor Nebehaj held roles as Head of Growth at Notey, Head of Assessment at Clicz, and Head of SEO at Prospect.

He commenced his career at Google in 2005, based in Dublin, Ireland, where he served as Search Quality Analyst for three years and Online Operations Manager, EMEA, for another three years.

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