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Eurex Sees 13% YoY Increase in Total Traded Contracts for May 2024

Eurex Sees 13% Year-Over-Year Increase in Total Traded Contracts for May 2024


Eurex, Europe’s top derivatives exchange, has reported a 13 percent rise in traded contracts for May 2024 compared to the previous year, increasing from 142.5 million to 161.3 million contracts.

This growth was significantly driven by a 41 percent surge in interest rate derivatives, reaching 78.3 million contracts. Equity derivatives also saw a 15 percent increase compared to May 2023, while index derivatives experienced a 12 percent decline, totaling 54.5 million traded contracts.

In the OTC Clearing segment, notional outstanding volumes grew by 6 percent in May, reaching EUR 36,134 billion compared to EUR 34,051 billion in the same month the previous year. Notional outstanding volumes in interest rate swaps rose by 7 percent to EUR 15,028 billion, while overnight index swaps saw a substantial 25 percent increase, reaching EUR 3,679 billion.

Eurex Repo, the leading electronic market for secured funding and financing, experienced a 25 percent decline in average daily term-adjusted repo volumes in May compared to May 2023, amounting to EUR 301.9 billion. Daily GC Pooling volumes decreased by 13 percent to EUR 164.1 billion, and the Repo Market saw a 35 percent decline, falling to EUR 137.8 billion.

However, for the year-to-date period from January to May 2024, overall repo volumes increased by 12 percent compared to the same period in 2023, with GC Pooling volumes growing by 24 percent.

The rise in traded contacts comes after Santander Asset Management recently expanded its FX futures business to Eurex, with support from Banco Santander as the Clearing Member and Deutsche Bank as the liquidity provider. – Real-time Forex News and the latest trading updates.

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