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XTX Markets Sees 19% Yearly Decline in UK Revenues, Totaling £2bn in 2023

XTX Markets Sees 19% Yearly Decline in UK Revenues, Totaling £2bn in 2023


XTX Markets, a prominent quantitative-driven electronic market-maker, has submitted the financial reports for its three British entities – XTX Markets Technologies Ltd, XTX Markets Ltd, and XTX Markets Trading Ltd – to the UK Government. The reports disclose that the combined revenue for these units reached £2.008 billion in 2023, marking a 19.2% decrease from the previous year’s £2.485 billion. Profit for the year amounted to £835.4 million, reflecting a 23.7% decline compared to £1,094.8 million in 2022.

In 2023, XTX Markets Technologies Ltd reported a net revenue of £1,353.9 million, showing a 10.5% decrease compared to £1,512.6 million recorded in 2022. The administrative expenses for the UK subsidiary surged to £272.5 million, representing a significant 49.2% increase from the previous year’s £182.7 million. The profit for 2023 also declined by 23.1%, dropping from £1,075.6 million in 2022 to £826.9 million.

For XTX Markets Ltd, the full year 2023 net revenue amounted to £64.7 million, marking a significant 52.5% decrease compared to £136.4 million in the previous year. The administrative expenses for this period were £68.4 million, indicating a decrease of 47.7% from £130.6 million recorded in 2022. In 2023, this entity reported a loss for the year of £6.0 million, compared to the profit of £6.6 million in 2022.

As for XTX Markets Trading Ltd, the net revenue for 2023 amounted to £589.7 million, marking a 29.5% decrease from the £836.4 million recorded in 2022. The administrative expenses for this period totaled £571.7 million, showing a 30.4% decrease from the prior year’s £821.1 million. The profit for 2023 experienced a positive growth of 15.7%, rising from £12.6 million in 2022 to £14.5 million.

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